Constantin Papadimitriou - GeoPark


Chair, Compensation Committee

(Board member since May 2018)

Constantin Papadimitriou has been a member of our board of directors since May 2018. He is a respected and successful international investor and businessman, with more than 30 years of investment experience in global capital markets and in resource and industrial projects and was an early investor in GeoPark. During his tenure at the Cavamont group, Mr. Papadimitriou was initially responsible for Treasury Management, then the Private Equity Portfolio as well as representing the group on the boards of associated companies including investments in the oil and gas, mining, real estate and gaming sectors (including Basic Petroleum, a Nasdaq-listed Guatemalan oil and gas company). He is currently an investment advisor to the Cavenham Group of Funds. Mr. Papadimitriou is also founding partner of Diorasis International, a company focusing on investments in Greece and the broader Balkans and he also chairs the Greek Language School of Geneva and Lausanne. Constantin holds an Economics and Finance degree and a post-graduate Diploma in European Studies from Geneva University.

* Independent

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