Our People - GeoPark

Our People

We have created a culture of trust that empowers employees to grow and to share in the Company’s success. All our employees are shareholders in GeoPark.

2021 Highlights


Direct employees


of employees are shareholders in the company


of senior management are women


of employees are women


of new hires are women


Voluntary rotation rate


of employees took new roles and responsibilities


of employees received training


Professional training hours per employee


of employees entitled to parental leave took it and returned to their jobs: 47% men and 53% women

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Our formula for success always starts with great people. From the very beginning, we have strived to attract the best people in terms of character and capabilities. This genuine commitment to attracting the best has created a rich team of knowledgeable and committed individuals that are ready and eager to meet every challenge and allow us to be more aware and responsive to the world around us. Simply, it has made us better.

In our Commitment to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion we recognize that integrating and promoting diverse teams is a powerful tool that has allowed us to achieve more and go further.

We report our gender parity indicators in line with the Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index (GEI) evaluation framework, which shows listed companies’ gender representation progress at all levels of the organization.

Gender Equality

In 2021 GeoPark achieved the Equipares Silver award, the third oil and gas operator in Colombia to do so. This program is led by Colombia’s Ministry of Labor and the Presidential Council for Women’s Equality. The Company earned the Certification after achieving a 91% rating in the audit that validated the successful implementation of the SGIG gender equality management system.

Value Chain
We are committed to the social and economic development of the regions in which we operate. As a result, we actively collaborate with local suppliers and nearly 23% of our total budget is allocated to them. In 2021, we acquired US$59 million in local goods and services. The framework that guides our actions with suppliers and contractors is the Corporate Policy for the Supply of Goods and Services,which establishes the principles, standards and controls for procurement activities.

Our "Labor Management and Accompaniment Program" invites our partner companies (contractors and/or subcontractors) to implement responsible labor practices focusing on decent and dignified work that is carried out with the necessary diligence to detect, prevent and mitigate real or potential negative consequences on human rights and fundamental rights at work.

For more details see our SPEED/ESG Report.

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